JonathanMosen's blog

The Mosen Explosion, le spectacle doit continuer

Many of us have been glued to devices, radio and TV over this bleak weekend, as the horror from paris and its aftermath have unfolded. Maybe we took the time to hold those we love extra closely.
Many people outside of France have returned to some degree of normality, keeping an eye on developments. But for those who've lost loved ones, or who live in a frightened nation, the atrocities are not so easily put behind them.
We'll begin this week's show with a short tribute to those who were so cruelly massacred.

The Mosen Explosion's got the new Beatles Remixes!

Once again, we're back on your thing, no matter what that thing is and where that thing is located. It could be an iThing, a new Apple TV thing, a PC thing, but we're on that thing.
And the thing I hope you'll do with that thing on Sunday at 2 PM Eastern, 7 PM UK, is join me for another edition of The Mosen Explosion.

Thanks to Bob Kanish

Many of our Mushroom FM fun guys have busy day jobs, and I remain deeply appreciative that they are part of our wonderful voluntary project.

Sometimes though, it's important to do a work/life balance check. After doing this, Bob Kanish has decided that his busy schedule doesn't permit continuing his show, The Depths, on Mushroom FM at the moment.

We're exploding in triumph again this week.

I hope you'll join me for another four hours where we just don't know what's going to happen, we don't know what little remark made by me or you will spark a lively discussion among our Mosen Explosion family via Twitter or email. We do know there'll be plenty of great music, wacky news, a look at history and a Bonnie Bulletin. But it's the back and forth, the unpredictability, that makes it all so much fun.

The Mosen Explosion asks, will you Yodel for your Chocolate Fish Supper?

First of all, attention! Attention! If you're in Europe and your clocks have gone back this weekend, then for one crazy week only, the Mosen Explosion will start an hour earlier, because you're closer to Eastern time than usual! Attention attention attention! So we still start at 2 PM Eastern, but it's now 6 in the UK. Attention!

For 1 week only, 4 PM Saturday, Nothing but Country on Mosen On Down

This week, I'm filling in for Bruce Toews at 4 Pm Eastern. What a privilege to be in the TOTW hot seat. And What a privilege to be sandwiched between the mighty music machine and the telephonic Musical Web.

Chuck in the Mosen Explosion

No particular place to go this weekend? Well, why not head over to Mushroom FM, where entertainment is always on. John Lennon once famously said, "if you were going to give rock and roll another name, you might call it Chuck Berry". Chuck Berry fused the critical elements of rhythm and blues and country to be one of the instrumental figures in the creation of rock and roll. Proving that age catches up with all of us if we live long enough, Sunday is Chuck Berry's 89th birthday.

Mushroom FM Offline for Maintenance sometime during the evening of 9 October

Hello everyone, the provider of some of our systems have advised us that they need to perform emergency maintenance. This will mean that Mushroom FM's streams will go offline sometime between 9 PM and midnight on 9 October.
It's estimated that the down-time should be no more than five to 30 minutes.

We'll be monitoring the situation to ensure service is restored as soon as it's possible for us to do so.

Thanks for your patience, and all your support of Mushroom FM.

John Lennon Special Today, and the end of the current Beatle Beat Series

Sadly, Bob Kanish is unavailable to descend with us to the depths today, so I hope you will join me for a special to celebrate the 75th anniversary of John Lennon's birth. It's three hours of Beatles and John Lennon music, and you're welcome to have a say in what is played. If you have any special memories associated with John or the Beatles, do feel free to share them. You can drop me an email or send me a tweet.
The show is on at 9 PM Eastern.

at 2 PM Eastern, 7 UK, It's the Wild and Windy Mosen Explosion

We are delighted to be exploding once again from the windy city. A few cities around the world call themselves that, Chicago for one. But I think Wellington may be the windiest national capital around. And boy, it's getting horrifically windy out there! Couple all this horrifically windy horrific wind with some explosive fun, and you can be sure we'll be blowing the cobwebs away.
We have a bumper banana report addition this week, with two bananas and one honorary banana who always brings cookies when she visits. She needs to visit more often, that's what she needs to do!


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