
You're invited to the Mosen Explosion welcome home party

We're in celebration mode at Mosen Towers, and Bonnie even woke up at stupid o'clock to make me a huuuuuuuge mushroom omelette. But I'm taking time out from the celebrations to send you a personal invitation to the Mosen Explosion welcome home party on Mushroom FM.

We're back home, at the same old time, 2 PM Eastern, 7 PM in the UK, right after Down for Double with Brian and Lulu.

It's almost time to open up the Shed!

Anthony Horvath is back on Mushroom FM and he is looking forward to seeing you in the shed!
That’s right, this random dude from New Zealand is back, and starting from this Saturday, 11 PM Eastern, that’s 4 AM Sunday in the UK, or 3 PM Sunday afternoon here in New Zealand.
It’ll be four fun filled hours of great music and of course, your requests are welcome.
Let’s not forget about the two special features you can hear each week.
The Triple Threat; where we play three songs back-to-back-to-back from a particular artist or group.

Have you completed your Mushroom FM listener's tests yet?

Over the last few weeks, the fun guys have been working diligently, doing all the things one needs to do when launching, or in our case relaunching, an Internet radio station.

We're really looking forward to the building phase being complete, and the broadcasting phase getting underway, which is what it's all about. We hope you'll tune in for Brian Hartgen's show when we relaunch this Saturday at 2 PM Eastern, 7 PM UK. And since we're all radio buffs, maybe there'll be something a bit exciting leading up to the launch.

Mushroom FM, why are we here?


On behalf of the team, welcome to the new-look Mushroom FM website, and indeed to the new-look Mushroom FM itself.

In this blog post, I'd like to introduce, or perhaps I should say reintroduce, the station, talk about why we're returning, why we hope you'll give us a listen, and why you might like to consider broadcasting with us.


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