Submitted by bonniemosen on Mon, 09/28/2015 - 17:41
When I married Jonathan, I promised in sickness and in health, so I will keep the same promise with Bonair—this Tuesday 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. EST on and in all your fav music apps. Despite a voice reminiscent of one of those diner waitresses, you know the ones, “Coffee hon. And the need to drink tea every five minutes to combat the dreadful taste of cough medicine, I will be here to play your requests and entertain you with some lively banter.
Greetings, One and All! After last week's vocal disappearance act, Paskell's back! This week, he's crammed his next tour full of plenty of gems and musical treats, worthy for such an occasion as the vanquishing of a cold - be under no illusions, this Pop Vault Master considers himself to be among the very fortunate few at the moment. I know only too well how powerful a combination relaxation and cheery tunes can be in restoring a man to full health, so whatever your condition, consider yourself warmly invited to sit back and enjoy our next adventure together.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sun, 09/27/2015 - 13:48
It's the show that's way beyond compare. Two hours of the Beatles together and separately, plus plenty of Beatles news and history. That's how we roll on Beatle Beat.
This week, two features from this week in Beatles history on the telly. Back in 1964, the Beatles recorded in England for a TV show that was only broadcast in the US. We'll play you that performance.
And in the second hour, John and George take questions from iconic British interviewer David Frost and the studio audience in 1967, as they discuss meditation.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sat, 09/26/2015 - 22:27
Tiny tots, with their i's all aglow, that's a lower case i there, found it hard to sleep on Thursday night as we awaited the arrival of the latest phone of i. Yup, this year, the presence came on the 25th of September. I'll be sharing more of my thoughts on the iPhone 6s Plus, and really looking forward to hearing yours if you've bought one of the new gadgets.
Submitted by AnthonyHorvath on Sat, 09/26/2015 - 19:03
With so many cool things in this shed of mine, it’s fair to say I practically live in it, and with my shiny new iPhone 6s Plus, I’ve been peeking and popping the last few days.
I went to bed quite happy last night, however when I eventually woke up I found that New Zealand has done a little time travel. One hour to be exact.
For the rest of the world, what does this actually mean for you?
Submitted by bonniemosen on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 21:11
It’s a fashionable Bonair, Tuesday 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. EST on and in all your fav music apps. From head to toe, it’s songs about clothes and accessories. “Today’s Topic” is shopping. Do you shop online, how do you label your purchases, have you ever gotten something truly terrible because of the person helping you? We’ll try another tasty treat from the Mosen kitchen, and update you with the latest book club info and find how Fast Draft and revision hell are going for Bonnie. So grab your full length mirror, do a little twirl and strut your stuff on the catwalk.
A good day to you from a place of quarantine - yes, this dear friends is the soul communication permitted as the Pop Vault is under a state of siege. Rumour has it that the Vault Master himself has been indisposed for an indeterminate period due to an unauthorised foreign intrusion.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sun, 09/20/2015 - 13:56
Beatle beat is back with the best music ever made, plus plenty of fab four-related news and history.
The Beatles pulled a surprise in the last week, announcing that some of their most popular songs are going to be remixed in 5.1 surround sound, accompanied by some amazing videos, many never commercial available before. It's all part of the Beatles One Plus package due on 6 November. I'll have comprehensive information about the release, and we'll go track by track through each video and explain their historical significance.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 13:16
There are so many amazing, entertaining, informative, quality things to do on the Internet...and then there's the Mosen Explosion to offer up a bit of contrast.
I've got four hours of great music in store this week, which you're welcome to influence through your tweets, emails, and calls to the explodaphone. Remember, you can call that any time, at 206-600-5486. Let your voice ring out throughout the planet and surrounding galaxies, all with one simple phone call to 206-600-5486.
Submitted by AnthonyHorvath on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 08:12
From 11 Pm Eastern today, that’s 4 am Sunday morning in the UK, and 3 PM Sunday afternoon in Wonderful New Zealand, the Shed is opening up for yet another four hours.
Feel free to have a few quiet ones, while you listen to the Triple Threat, The Live and Loud segment, and other people’s requests.
No need to worry if you start staggering around the shed, it’ll go well with the music, which is generally all over the place! A lot like me, you see.
Did I mention the Rugby World Cup has started? I’ll try not to talk about it too much, for this week at least.