Submitted by bonniemosen on Tue, 10/13/2015 - 00:50
Attention passengers! Bonair is grounded this week. Hello my lovely listeners. Due to the plague that has beset Mosen Towers, I am sadly having to cancel this week’s show to get some rest. No worries, I will be back next Tuesday, fresh as a daisy, from 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. EST with two hours of tunes, another “Food for Thought” and lots of chatter. Hope all are enjoying this month’s book club selection.
Hi Everyone. In the midst of chaos and confusion and the occasional ceiling vault (thankfully a most unusual occurrence), the Pop Vault can always throw up more than enough pleasant surprises for a cheery hour. Join me from 12 pm Eastern, 5 pm UK, right before the first in our new series of Mushroom FM documentaries, exploring the early years of Elvis Presley.
Submitted by AnthonyHorvath on Thu, 10/08/2015 - 21:44
What a week it’s been. Lovely and warm for pretty must all of New Zealand, and it’s still only spring.
Bring on summer, I say.
Do you have a favourite season? If so why?
I can’t promise the Air conditioning will behave itself when the Shed opens again this Saturday from 11 PM Eastern.
That’s 4 AM Sunday morning in the UK, and 4 PM Sunday afternoon in good old New Zealand.
However, I can promise another Triple Threat, and the Live and Loud segment.
Not to forget, the music will be all over the place like usual.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Thu, 10/08/2015 - 18:24
Hello everyone, the provider of some of our systems have advised us that they need to perform emergency maintenance. This will mean that Mushroom FM's streams will go offline sometime between 9 PM and midnight on 9 October.
It's estimated that the down-time should be no more than five to 30 minutes.
We'll be monitoring the situation to ensure service is restored as soon as it's possible for us to do so.
Thanks for your patience, and all your support of Mushroom FM.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Wed, 10/07/2015 - 12:38
Sadly, Bob Kanish is unavailable to descend with us to the depths today, so I hope you will join me for a special to celebrate the 75th anniversary of John Lennon's birth. It's three hours of Beatles and John Lennon music, and you're welcome to have a say in what is played. If you have any special memories associated with John or the Beatles, do feel free to share them. You can drop me an email or send me a tweet.
The show is on at 9 PM Eastern.
Submitted by bonniemosen on Tue, 10/06/2015 - 23:06
Love to read? Always wanted to be a part of a book club, but never had the time, or the club you joined was one of those—you know, Ivy Leaguers in tweed with their whiskey and cigars? Well, the fun guys at mushroomfm understand your dilemma and are launching the Fun Guys virtual book club. Coordinated by Brian Dalton and Bonnie Mosen, each month a presenter or listener will select a book which represents the diverse taste of Mushroom FM’s listeners and presenters. We'll let people know the name of each month's book via the usual Mushroom FM announcement channels.
Submitted by bonniemosen on Mon, 10/05/2015 - 18:37
Dust off your e-reader and fire up your Braille display, or locate your library card, it’s the Bonair you have been waiting for—the Fun Guys virtual book club is ready to start turning pages. This Tuesday from 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. Est on and in all your fav music apps, we will announce what book we will be reading and how you can participate in the club, take your requests, play some of our own and chat about all kinds of interesting subjects.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 00:44
We are delighted to be exploding once again from the windy city. A few cities around the world call themselves that, Chicago for one. But I think Wellington may be the windiest national capital around. And boy, it's getting horrifically windy out there! Couple all this horrifically windy horrific wind with some explosive fun, and you can be sure we'll be blowing the cobwebs away.
We have a bumper banana report addition this week, with two bananas and one honorary banana who always brings cookies when she visits. She needs to visit more often, that's what she needs to do!
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Fri, 10/02/2015 - 19:26
9 October would have been John Lennon's 75th birthday. A complex and highly nuanced individual, John became one of the most significant composers and performers in the history of music. His birthday and his legacy is certainly worthy of recollection and celebration.
I'll be doing that with two shows in the coming week on Mushroom FM.
Submitted by AnthonyHorvath on Fri, 10/02/2015 - 12:05
As I’m sitting here writing this, it’s Saturday morning here in New Zealand.
I’m contemplating , life, the universe, and how good this bottle of Martian water tastes like…
Hang on, what?
Martian water?
Uh oh, it’s happening again.
I don’t like quiet sheds, and makes me say and do strange things.
Only last night, I tried singing, at the top of my voice, “Fish heads, fish head, roly poly, fish heads, fish heads, eat them up yum!”
Eat them up, yum? I hate fished heads.
It all keeps adding up, I think I’m cracking up.