Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sat, 03/09/2024 - 17:06
It's that time of year again when humans insist on messing with the fundamental forces of time.
Mushroom FM uses North American Eastern Time as its official time zone, and the clocks in that time zone are springing forward early tomorrow morning.
If you're in North America and daylight saving is observed where you are, then you can tune in at the usual time for your fave fun guy shows. If, however, you are anywhere else in the world and your clocks are not changing this weekend, then Mushroom FM shows will begin one hour earlier for you.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Thu, 02/08/2024 - 14:46
On Friday’s Mosen Explosion, we celebrate the 60th anniversary of a night that changed music, culture and television forever.
On the night of February 9, 1964, a then record-breaking estimated 73 million Americans tuned into CBS to watch the Ed Sullivan Show, a popular variety program that featured singers, comedians, actors and other performers. But this night was different from any other, because the show's main attraction was a British rock band that had taken the world by storm: The Beatles. They had landed in New York to chaotic scenes just two days earlier.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sat, 02/03/2024 - 23:29
It’s Jonathan Mosen dropping in to let you know that as has become a tradition on Mushroom FM, Anthony and I will be celebrating Waitangi Day, which is new Zealand’s national day. We’ll be playing three hours of great kiwi music, slipping in a few old radio and TV ads and talking about some interesting aspects of New Zealand culture. If you’re a new Zealander, you’ll be singing along and hearing songs you may not have heard for years. If you’re not a New Zealander, you may just hear a few songs that become your favourites.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Thu, 02/01/2024 - 19:16
Who said wishes can’t come true, eh? We had new ABBA music in 2021, even a new Beatles song in 2023, now Billy Joel has broken his long musical drought with a brand new song. No word yet on whether this is the first single from a forthcoming album.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Thu, 02/01/2024 - 01:40
Changes to the Mushroom Fm schedule are rare, but we are now implementing the second phase of the 2024 schedule.
First, Gordon Luke is scaling back his G Spot show due to other commitments. He'll therefore no longer be heard at 11 PM Saturday, which repeated at 4 AM on Wednesday. But we're delighted that we’ll still hear Gordon
on his 4 PM Wednesday show which replays on Saturday morning. Starting this Saturday at 11 PM and next Wednesday at 4 AM, Ryan will be hear with the Groove Line.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sun, 01/21/2024 - 01:17
The time has finally come when the Mosen Explosion is back from hiatus. First, I’ve had a phenomenal response to the replays of the COVID lockdown shows that we’ve been running while the Mosen Explosion was taking a summer break. I don’t normally listen to my own soup, since I had to put up with listening to it when I did it, but like many people I did take a listen to some of the shows and it was great to be reminded of how the show brought us together during an unsettling and uncertain time. I’m so glad that so many enjoyed hearing them again.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Thu, 01/18/2024 - 15:15
Saturdays are a day when many of us have a bit more time for the radio. And as the new year settles in, we have some new programming to bring you on Saturdays. So let’s take it from the top and tell you what’s new and changed.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sat, 12/30/2023 - 06:17
Yet again we are preparing to explode you into the new year, live from Mosen Towers as Bonnie, Heidi, Henry and Anthony join me in the studio to be the first to see in the new year.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Tue, 12/26/2023 - 02:58
Hello! It’s Jonathan here. I hope you had a joyous Christmas.
As you may know, every year, I host a live broadcast to celebrate the end of the current year and the arrival of a new one, which comes first to New Zealand. I’ll be doing that once again this year at 9 PM on new year’s eve in New Zealand, which equates to 3 AM Eastern, and 8 AM in the UK on the morning of 31 December. This year though, it’s even more special.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sat, 12/23/2023 - 14:49
On Mushroom FM, we always enjoy bringing you a selection of festive fun at this time of year. You can check out our full Christmas line-up on the schedule page on our website.