Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sun, 12/17/2023 - 01:17
The fun guys thank you, not just for voting so we could assemble our top 100 countdown of holiday songs, but for sharing a little Christmas spirit across the globe by joining in our Christmas party on 16 December. Countdowns are commonplace, but the global sense of togetherness we generate via social media that has become the hallmark of Mushroom FM events is very special. We are honoured that people make a point of making our parties an annual event they can't possibly miss.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Fri, 12/15/2023 - 14:24
You’ve made the list, we have of course checked it twice. We’ve included a wide variety of musical styles to keep it interesting. We’ve even plugged in our microphones and said, “tap tap tap, testing one two, one two, is this thing on?” Now, we are ready to play the top 100 holiday songs of all time as determined by the Mushroom Crowd in 2023.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Mon, 12/11/2023 - 00:50
Voting closes in Mushroom Fm's holiday countdown and Christmas party this Thursday at 11:59 PM North American Eastern time. If you haven't voted yet, it's an accessible process that won't take you too long. Visit and be sure that your friends and family do too.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sat, 12/09/2023 - 20:04
There’s still time to vote in Mushroom FM’s holiday countdown and to receive an invitation to our Christmas party. But time is running out rapidly with votes closing this Thursday at 11:59 PM North American Eastern Time.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sat, 11/25/2023 - 01:25
Hi everyone and merry Christmas!
Boy, have I got an incredible combination for you! Exercising your hard-won right to vote, holiday music and partying! Yes, our countdown is back for yet another year, due to popular demand. It's tradition, you know.
Mushroom FM runs a really fun tradition every year where we ask listeners to vote for their top 10 holiday songs, and we play the top 100 as tabulated by a fancy algorithm.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Tue, 11/21/2023 - 22:22
Following our very popular look at offshore radio, starting this weekend we begin bringing you the original rockumentary. It’s “The History of Rock and Roll”.
Three versions of this series were produced, in 1969, 1978, and 1981. We’ve played you one of the later versions some years ago, but over the next year, we’re bringing you the original from 1969, narrated by Humble Harve Miller.
If you want to go deep into the roots of rock and roll, this is the version of the documentary you want to hear and it’s programming you won’t want to miss.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Tue, 11/21/2023 - 14:01
Understandably, when people think of 22 November 1963, most people immediately think of the assassination of President Kennedy. On the other side of the Atlantic, a band that was still little-known in the United States but which had Britain in the grip of an unprecedented mania, released their much-anticipated second album. It will be 60 years ago on Wednesday 22 November that the “With the Beatles ” album was released.
I’ll be devoting the Mosen Explosion slot to a celebration of the album. Learn about each song, who wrote it, how it was written and recorded.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Fri, 11/17/2023 - 10:39
It’s Jonathan Mosen, taking on the daunting task of filling in for the venerable melissa Riccobono this week on the Song Remembers When.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Fri, 11/17/2023 - 10:28
Over the last five and a half months, we’ve brought you one of the most comprehensive examinations of offshore radio ever broadcast. This is been very popular and we are glad so many people have enjoyed it.
This series concludes this week, with legendary British broadcaster Keith Skues examining offshore radio jingles, and playing plenty of them. While jingles were a well-established element in North American commercial radio, they weren’t regularly used in Europe until the offshore era.
Submitted by JonathanMosen on Sat, 11/11/2023 - 20:32
Our look at offshore radio moves into the 1980s, with the story of the last truly influential offshore station, Laser 558. It broadcast to Europe from international waters, produced remarkably good audio for an AM station, and promised listeners that you were never more than a minute away from music.
The station put together a documentary celebrating its first year on-air from the MV Communicator. It was to close a few short months later.