
A New Year A New Book Club Discussion

A new Year a new book! The holidays may be over—Christmas wrapping in the recycling, leftovers finally over, and New Year’s resolutions already broken, so it is a great time to kick off 2016 with some lively literary banter and discuss the December MushroomFM book club selection ‘The Christmas Train” by David Baldacci. Join your fellow book club members, Saturday, January 2, noon EST to share your thoughts and observations of this zany, heart-warming holiday read and find out what January’s book selection will be.

Radio with Pictures. Video Streaming of the Mosen Explosion New Year Event

Hi everyone, we always enjoy pushing the boundaries and doing some cool new things for our new year event. This year, for those of you who'd like to see as well as hear the party, we'll be offering it as a video stream on Live Stream. The audio will be the same as you hear on Mushroom FM, except that it is in mono, so if you don't need the audio, you'll still get a much better experience on Mushroom FM itself.

At 9 PM NZ Time, 3 AM Eastern, 8 AM UK, Join us live for New Year in New Zealand

Whew! That 2015 galloped past in a flash, didn't it? I mean totally, like, whew!

Now it's time to say farewell to 2015, and ring in the new year, with all its potential for renewal.

Round Up the Usual Suspects! It's Bonair!

Round Up the Usual suspects! It’s Bonair, Tuesday 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. EST on MushroomFM and in all your fav music apps. Since it’s the last show for 2015, we will reflect on the year and discuss our plans, hopes, dreams fears for 2016. We will as always take your requests—even a little holiday tuneage since the Orthodox Christmas is yet to come. Meatloaf will be the feature in “Food for Thought” and we may even have some songs by the Loaf himself. Write out your resolutions to share and prepare for a reflective and fun show.

At 2 PM Eastern, 7 UK, it's the live Mosen Explosion Christmas Special

When it's 2 p.m. Eastern US time, 7 p.m. in the UK on Christmas Day, Christmas will be over in New Zealand. It will be Boxing Day. So the cool thing is that the Mosen explosion Christmas special gives me a chance to make Christmas last just a little bit longer in New Zealand. .

It's the last Bonair--before Christmas!

It’s the last Bonair—before Christmas that is, Tuesday 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. Est here on and in all your favourite music apps. It won’t be as lively a gathering as we had on Sunday, but I will play your requests, Christmas and otherwise, give my famous meatloaf recipe in “Food for Thought” and give an update on Christmas prep around the Mosen household. It’s a busy time of year, but I hope you can take some time to relax and tune in.
If you’d like to contact the show, email or tweet @bonniemosen and remember the hashtag #mushroomfm.

The Shape of The Show

I'm thinking about changing the name of the program to Snowman Radio, because that's what I happen to call it half the time. And, SnowWhiteFM is my neighborhood radio station, that is the real seat of the program. It lives here. I like my jingles, and the mushroom management is gracious enough to let me use them. But, The twitter address is still SnowWhiteFM.
So that's what all the confusing branding is about. If that makes any sense to you, then you've probably been eating some magic MushroomFM's.

Still Partying in The Shed

Christmas is getting closer, and so is Mushroom FM’s 2015 Holiday Countdown and Christmas party!
Will you be there? I hope so!
However, before that kicks off Sunday morning from 9am Eastern, I’m opening up the Shed tonight from 11 Pm Eastern. That’s 5PM Sunday afternoon here in New Zealand, and 4AM Sunday morning UK time.
So if you want to start partying early, why not come in and join the fun.
There will be nothing but Christmas music, and even a few Christmas stories.
Four hours of Christmas fun!
The best part, you can make requests!

Important information about our Holiday Countdown and Christmas Party

Hi everyone. This is Jonathan Mosen, with an update from your busy Mushroom FM countdown crew.

Whose at your table at our Christmas party? You can now look and see!

Mushroom FM's 2015 holiday countdown and Christmas party is not far away! We'll be counting down the top 100 holiday songs as chosen by you from 9 a.m. Eastern time on Sunday morning, that's 2 p.m. in the UK.

While we all enjoy the festive tunes, our virtual online Christmas party puts those who have voted in the countdown at Christmas tables, named after the reindeer in our 2015 Christmas single 'Twas the night before Christmas.


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