
Friday gets funny in just over eight hours

It's Friday! and it gets funny at 9 PM Eastern Time on Mushroom FM the home of the fun guys!
I'm hosting Funny Fridays tonight and I'm not Bruce. Who am I? Tune in and find out. (Of course, you could look at the Mushroom FM schedule but that wouldn't be sporting now would it?)

Keeping it Clean on "A Cuppa at the Mosens"

We’re keeping it clean on this week’s “A Cuppa at the Mosens” Thursday 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. EST on and in all your fav music apps. With the topic of last week’s show being so serious, we’ve decided to keep this week light, airy, and fresh, like sheets drying in the sun or furniture polished to a high lemony gloss.

Join me for memorable music from the 50s and 60s on The Early Years tonight on Mushroom FM

When you hear the dying strains of Van Halen's Happy Trails signalling the end of The Mosen Explosion for another week, don't touch your PC, your mobile device or your internet radio and join me in The Early Years on Mushroom FM.
Hello, I'm Steve Cutway inviting you to join me for simply the best music from the 50s and 60s.
You can contact me any time by e-mail at Requests from the 50s and 60s are welcome but because I prepare and pre-record the show ahead of time , I'll play your requests on a future show.

The Shed is opening its doors soon, don’t be late!

The year is flying by, and so too is the time.
In about 20 minutes, that’s 11pm Eastern tonight, 4am in the UK and 5PM in New Zealand, I’m back again for another week!
Four fun filled hours of music, me, music, listener interaction, and music.
It will be the usual four hours of craziness, and a triple threat and live and loud segment added in for variety.
To contact the show simply e-mail: anthony at mushroomfm dot com
Or find me on Twitter: @kiwisnake
Look forward to seeing ya!

It's a Very Special Birthday This Week on Come By The Hills!

The Celtic Music show is back for another week, and as well as playing lots of great Celtic artists and groups from around the world, I'll be paying attention to Loreena McKennitt, who celebrated a birthday on Friday. We've got a "Celtic Cover" involving her as well as a set of her "almost-instrumental" tunes in "Fiddlin' Around," and we'll be sprinkling her music liberally throughout the show.

Rhythm & Blues Car Songs this week on The Juke in the Back

The juke is jumpin’ with records focusing on classic R&B songs about cars.  The automobile is a “road tested” symbol of the American Dream.  We have all this land and the car gives us the freedom to get from one place to another.  We’ll dig on some tunes about Cadillacs, Buicks, Mercurys and Model Ts. Plus, musicologists Billy Vera and Steve Propes drop by the “Juke In The Back” to make their cases that the first rock n’ roll song might have been about a car.

Love is in the Air Again

Some say love is better the second time around, and we’re hopeful of this on this week’s “A Cuppa at the Mosens”, Thursday 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. EST on and in all your fav music apps. Due to the cancellation of last week’s show on love and dating as a person with a disability for technical reasons, we will cover this important topic on this week’s show.

Join me for the best 50s and 60s music on The Early Years tonight on Mushroom FM

When you hear the dying strains of Van Halen's Happy Trails signalling the end of The Mosen Explosion for another week, don't touch your PC, your mobile device or your internet radio and join me in The Early Years on Mushroom FM.
Hello, I'm Steve Cutway. This week, I have some unfinished business from my "day the music died" tribute last week, some requests and suggestions, and simply the best music from the 50s and 60s.

Live in the Shed for the first time this year.

Can you believe it, February already, and I’ve yet to open the Shed doors.
Well that’s about to change.
That’s right, tonight from 11pm Eastern, that 4am Sunday in the UK and 5pm Sunday here in New Zealand, the Shed is back open again!
It’ll be the usual four hours of madness, music, and much more in between.
For example, what have I been up to since I was last on the air live, which was December of last year.
The triple threat is back, and so too is the live and loud segment.

This Week, Come By The Hills Will Leave You Wanting More!

Well, of course it's true that Mushroom FM's best Celtic Music show--wait, I guess it's Mushroom FM's only Celtic Music show, but never mind that now--always leaves its listeners hungering for more folky favourites even though it's three--count 'em!--three hours long, but this week, there's a bonus! Yes, we have a partially unsolved mystery to deal with in our "What's That About?" feature.


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