
Jimmy Coe this week on The Juke In The Back

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

The Rolling Stone top 500 greatest songs of all time continues this week on The Early Years

Join me in The Early Years where you'll enjoy the best variety of music from the 50s and 60s including music from before the rock era which is generally accepted as starting in 1955.
This week, I continue the countdown of the greatest songs of the 50s and 60s according to Rolling Stone Magazine. I'll start at #243 and continue to #196. Yes, I'll be more than 60% through the list when this week's show is over.

The Big Day is Here this Week on Come by the Hills!

Yes, just when you think you've consumed your last green beer, and when your "kiss me, I'm Irish" button has been put away for the year, St. Patrick's Day is just getting started on Mushroom FM! That's right. On Sunday night at 8:00 PM, Come by the Hills, the Celtic Music Show, is going Irish in a big way! We'll be having lots of legendary Irish artists and artists from around the world who have been inspired by the Irish sound to make similar music themselves.

The story of Spark Records this week on The Juke In The Back

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

Coming up on Thursday's edition of The Daily Fibre

Every week day at 3 AM and PM Eastern, that's currently 7 AM and PM in the UK, The Daily Fibre is your perfect blend of the latest tech news and the greatest musical memories.

On Thursday's edition, how did Apple get Siri so badly wrong? After a huge head start in the voice assistant space, Apple has squandered its lead to the extent that many consider it is way behind its competitors. A new, in-depth article talks with former Apple employees who explain why it all went so badly.

The story of Spark Records this week on The Juke In The Back

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

Come by the Hills is Back Again!

Yes, it's another week of Celtic music with all the features intact and everything! I figured I'd get a nice normal (as normal as it ever is anyway) show in before we pull out all the stops for St. Patrick's Day next week. So, lots of great music, features and all the informative and fun banter you've come to expect from Mushroom FM's best (well, only) Celtic Music show!

Catch us on Sunday night (tonight) at 8:00 PM Eastern Daylight time, or on Friday morning after Jonathan Mosen's Daily Fibre!

Here W

The Rolling Stone top 500 greatest songs of all time continues this week on The Early Years

Regular listeners to The Early Years know that I play the best variety of music from the 50s and 60s including music from before the rock era which is generally accepted as starting in 1955.
Before telling you what's up this week, I'd like to thank Bruce Toews for filling in for the past four weeks while I was cruising the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. His musical themes were brilliant.

Attention! Attention! The Mosen Explosion may start an hour earlier for you! Attention!

Right, now that I have your attention…The time has come around again when we get to one of the two periods each year where people start fooling with the ultimate forces of time and risk blowing massive holes in the space/time continuum.

In other words, the clocks go forward in North America this week. This affects us at Mushroom Fm because way back when we started in 2010, we adopted Eastern US time as our official time zone.


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