
Billy "The Kid" Emerson this week on The Juke In The Back

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

Snowman Turns 65

The Snowman turns 65 on Sunday, and who knows what that might mean. There's a small party on the air Saturday evening at 8:00 eastern standard. . There'll be guests, and probably cookies and broccoli. So, it's okay for you to come and join in the frivalities. the food is free.

Let's Settle It on the Air

Each year in northern Europe 6 nations get together in the spirit of sporting friendship and proceed to knock seven bells out of each other over the course of several weekends. The sport in question is the noble game of rugby union and let’s face it nobody including the referee actually understands the rules - I’m sure they just make it up as they’re going along!!!

We're Going Welsh this Week on Come by the Hills!

It was St. David's Day on March 1, Wales's day to revel in its culture and to generally have a great time being Welsh. So, who are we to ignore this fact at Come by the Hills? Well, we, in fact, is me, and since I didn't ignore it, that means that you will be treated to three hours of absolutely awesome music from Wales and mostly in the Welsh language, or, yn Cymraeg. You will also be treated to my attempts to explain at least some of the songs and to pronounce their artists and titles correctly while using a thoroughly Amaerican screen-reader to read them.

A Happier, Kinder, Gentler Snowman Radio

I have decided that serious commentary on provocative subjects such as politics and culture, detracts from the overall happy groove of my show. So, that content will be absent from future programs, making them more consistent with the overall Mushroom format. Such content, if any is created, might be podcasted to interested parties, and only mentioned very briefly in the main show, just to give non-subscribers a chance to nip in if they want. . That will free up the main program to be more light hearted, and happy, not dark and depressing. And I like that.

The Richter Scale, playing Classic Rock Friday evening!

This Friday at 6PM Eastern time you can tune in to the home of Classic Rock here on Mushroom FM, The Richter Scale!

I'm Richard Mosen and I'll be hosting two hours of the Greatest Classic Rock (and similar genres) from the 60's, 70's and 80's! All that mixed in with some fun chat and stories and all that exciting stuff!

You can get in touch with me by sending me a tweet @MosenRichard with #MushroomFM. Or, you can send me an email at I'm always glad to read your messages and play your requests!

SRB Replays Completed

The test replay of the old Snowman Radio Broadcasts has reached a logical conclusion, and will be discontinued. If you wish to access the complete archive of all 81 half hour segments, you will find a link to a site where you can acquire them. Go down to about the fourth heading on:

It's The Monthly Mystery on this Week's Studio Seventy

It’s the hottest studio in town—Studio Seventy Thursday 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. EST on and in all your fav music apps. Join me, Bonnie Mosen and my co-host Nan Tasket, as we lower the disco ball and dance to the decades best tunes.
It’s the first of the month, so in the second hour we’ll be airing The Bullet, episode II from the CBs Radio Mystery Theater. So, don’t be late! It’s going to be great.

Mambo/Vita Records this week on "The Juke In The Back"

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

Monday's Daily Fibre has comprehensive coverage of the Galaxy S9 launch

The Samsung Galaxy S series is the most popular Android phone on the market. So when a new version of it is unveiled, it’s a big deal. At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Samsung have just revealed what’s in their flagship devices for 2018.

We’ll be bringing you the highlights of the launch, in addition to comprehensive analysis of how the new device stacks up with the competition.

After hearing Monday’s edition of The Daily Fibre, you’ll be completely up to speed with one of the major mobile devices of 2018.


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