GraemeInnes's blog

Deep Dive loves old dogs, children and watermelon wine

This week on Deep Dive we pay tribute to the old story-teller, American singer and song writer Tom T. Hall. We meet the poet and the cow boy, visit the old side of town, and like beer.

Tune in at 4 PM Eastern Monday, which is 8 AM Tuesday in Eastern Australia. Or at 6 AM Eastern Wednesday, which is 10 PM in Eastern Australia. Simply holler to that SmartSpeaker of yours to play Mushroom FM and you will be there quicker than you can spot sneaky snake.

Deep Dive is totally devoted to you

Hi there fun guys. The subject-heading says it all - Deep Dive is totally devoted to all of you.

That's why this week we reach right back into the vault, to 2020 in fact, to enjoy the outstanding talents of English-Australian singer and entertainer Olivia Newton-John. We get physical, love you, honestly love you, and let me be there.

Deep Dive puts another brick in the wall

This week on Deep Dive we reach back into the archives in Covid times to hear the amazing sounds of UK rock band Pink Floyd. We hear about money, wish you were here, and go to the great gig in the sky. It's like going to the dark side of the moon.

Tune in at 4 PM Eastern Monday, which is 8 AM Tuesday in Eastern Australia. Or at 6 AM Eastern Wednesday which is 10 PM in Eastern Australia. Simply tell that SmartSpeaker of yours to play Mushroom FM and you will be there in a trice.

Deep Dive is poisoning pigeons in the park

This week on Deep Dive we enjoy the musical and comedic talents of American mathematician Ton Lehrer. We dance the masochism tango, learn that the wild west is where I wanna be, and make a fellow proud to be a soldier.

Tune in at 4 PM Eastern Monday, which is 8 AM Tuesday in Eastern Australia, if I have not confused time zones again. Or at 6 AM Wednesday, which is 10 PM in Eastern Australia. Just tell that SmartSpeaker of yours to tune away from the US elections and play Mushroom FM, and you will be there faster than a presidential motorcade.

Deep Dive is walkin' after midnight

This week on Deep Dive we enjoy the music of talented american country and western singer Patsie Cline. We fall to pieces, go crazy, and hear that she's got you.

Tune in at 4 PM Eastern Monday, which is now 8 AM Tuesday in Eastern Australia. Or at 6 AM Eastern Wednesday, which is now 10 PM in Eastern Australia. Just demand of that SmartSpeaker of yours that it play Mushroom FM and you'll be there quicker than a New York minute.

Deep Dive is the programme where we focus on one artist for one hour. And it is heard exclusively on Mushroom FM, home of the fun guys.

Deep Dive is leavin' on a jet plane

This week on Deep Dive we enjoy that famous American folk trio Peter, Paul and Mary. We don't think twice it''s all right, meet Puff the magic dragon, and go to the zoo tomorrow.

Tune in at 4 PM Eastern Monday, which is 7 AM Tuesday in Eastern Australia. Or at 6 AM Eastern Wednesday, which is 9 PM in Eastern Australia. Simply tell that very willing SmartSpeaker of yours to play Mushroom FM and you will be there in the blink of an eye.

Deep Dive meets a pretty woman

This week on Deep Dive we enjoy the powerful voice of Roy 0rbison. We meet Leah, hear that you've got it, and listen to heartbreak radio.

Tune in at 4 PM Eastern Monday, which is 7 AM in Eastern Australia. Or at 6 AM Eastern Wednesday, which is 9 PM in Eastern Australia. Simply tell that talented SmartSpeaker of yours to play Mushroom FM and you will be there in a New York minute.

Deep Dive is the programme where we focus on one artist for one hour. And it is broadcast exclusively on Mushroom FM, the home of the fun guys. Please join me there.

Deep Dive says those were the days

This week on Deep Dive we enjoy the sweet musical talents of Welsh singer Mary hopkin. We hear the puppy song, knock knock who's there, and say goodbye.

Deep Dive is so excited

This week on Deep Dive we enjoy the music of talented American rhythm and blues band the Pointer Sisters. We enjoy a slow hand, fire, and he's so shy.

Tune in at 4 PM Eastern Monday, which turns out to be 6 AM Tuesday in Eastern Australia. Or at 6 AM Eastern Wednesday, which is 8 PM in Eastern Australia. Those pesky time zones. Just point your browser, SmartSpeaker or other listening device towards Mushroom FM and you'll find us. And once you are here stick around - we are a fun place to be.

Deep Dive has got to leave old Durham town

This week we enjoy the talents and beautiful baritone voice of english singer Roger Whittaker. We hear the last farewell, mistrel, and the ske boat song.

Tune in at 4 PM Eastern Monday, which is 6 AM Tuesday in Eastern Australia. Or at 6 AM Eastern Wednesday, which is 8 PM in Eastern Australia. Simply croon to that SmartSpeaker of yours to play Mushroom FM and you will be there before you can say Springfield Ohio.


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