The Paroble of the Christmas Countdown

And it came to pass that there were almost 24 hours before voting closed.

And so it was that the wise men were busy at the myrrh shop buying myrrh, which is in short supply these days. In their absence, a little blind man with a funny accent emerged from the Ether and said,

"Hark!". And because he couldn't think of anything else to say, he said, "Hark!" again, just to give himself time to think.

And then he said, "lo!". Because "lo" seemed like a natural progression after having said "hark", which he didn't want to say again because he's already just said it twice.

Then, scrambling for another cliche other than "hark" and "lo", he said, "thou who hast not voted hath no right to criticise the outcome. So Verily I say unto you, there shall be no electoral college in this vote, nor shall there be long lines, long campaigns or endless analysis and punditry. There shall only be a simple form where thou shalt beget the spirit of the season by casting your vote to the waters for thy top 10 Christmas songs.

And lo," he said again, because it had been a while since he said that, and he quite liked saying it, "when thou casts thy vote to the waters, it returns a hundredfold. Because when thou hast voted for thy 10 favourite Christmas songs, thou shalt then hark, hark is what thou shalt do, to the top 100 Christmas and holiday songs as voted for by Mushroom FM listeners". Then, in a cathartic finish he cried, "so lo, verily I say unto you, vote! Vote at once, then hark!".

Then the little blind man with a funny accent disappeared with a "poof" sound, the likes of which is made when a computer transformer explodes. And it was good.