Songs with Nonsense Words on The Song Remembers When

They just don't make 'em like they used to! You know the songs I'm talking about--those songs with nonsense words that are used in the refrain, or to help create the rhythm of the song, or as sound effects to enhance the topic being sung about. These are the songs on the playlist for The Song Remembers When this Sunday from 4-6 pm Eastern, or Thursday from 5-7 am Eastern. For the most part, these songs are cheery and should put you in a great mood, while bringing back memories of days gone by. I hope you will ask your Smart Speaker to play Mushroom FM, tune in on your favorite Smart Phone radio app, or listen "the old fashioned way" by visiting Next week I will begin to bring you interviews with teachers and students, including my daughter, Oriana, from Patterson Park Public Charter School (PPPCS.) For several years, PPPCS has helped to make it possible for students in seventh and eighth grades at the school, which is located in Baltimore, MD, to travel abroad for a week to ten days. This year the students will be spending ten days in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand! Wow! Not only will these young people visit all three of these countries, they will spend the next six months learning about each country, their different cultures, their histories, the history of US relations with these countries, and more. As I'm sure you can imagine, many of the student travelers depend on scholarships in order to pay for their entire trip, or a portion of their trip. Since I believe this is an incredibly unique and valuable experience for these young people, and future PPPCS seventh and eighth graders as well, I am asking you, the listeners of The Song Remembers When, to consider making a donation to this cause. Your doantions will be used to provide travel scholarships. No donation is too small! In future weeks, you will hear directly from past travelers, chaperones, and students who are excited to take this trip in March. I understand if you would like to hear from these people before you decide to give. But if you like travel, and you believe young people should have travel opportunities to augment their learning, feel free to donate ASAP. Here is the donation link. Thank you in advance for any help you are able to give! Whether you are able to give or not, I'm sure you will enjoy hearing from these young people and adults who are passionate about travel, and who have been changed because of the trip they have been able to take.