Join new fun guy Ronnie Sevean as he takes you on a Musical History Tour

Join Ronnie Sevean on Mondays at 6 AM Eastern, repeated on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for the Musical History Tour.

Since the age of 8, Ronnie Sevean wanted to either play professional soccer or be a DJ. After his college playing career didn't yield any pro contracts, he turned to his Communications education and went into radio in the NYC market..the most competitive, cut-throat broadcasting market there is on this or any other planet!

He left the radio profession in the 80's and went into corporate life, all these years later he is still deciding if that was what he should have done!

Having spent nearly 40 years in National Sales roles, he changed careers 3 years ago and now spends his time as a real estate agent as well as hosting the Musical History Tour.

Each week on The Musical History Tour, Ronnie Sevean picks a theme and plays songs based upon that week's theme. It could be a word, a year, a band, etc. He spans every genre of Music with a strong focus on Rock and Roll, spending hours researching the theme. We're sure this new show will soon be a big favourite with the Mushroom Crowd.

Ronnie begins in just a few hours from this post's publication on Monday at 6 AM Eastern. For more information, check out