Jonathan Mosen Goes Silent
Well, Ok, it's not actually that bad. He's still perfectly fine, and decidedly himself. But, rumor has it that the Mosen Explosion is fresh out of nuclear dynamite this week, and will be taking a well-deserved week off. That's good for him. But, it's tough for you, because you'll be missing 4 hours of quality, live programming that you are used to, as a normal part of your weekend. fortunately, you've got the Snowman Radio to fall back on. There is a darned good time happening, every Saturday night on the mushroom, with SnowWhiteFM, which is another quality, rockin'
good time, spontaneous, live, and mostly unpredictable. This week, on top of the absolute best selection of music from the 60's 70's and 80's, we'll have an audio tour of the Snowman Radio studio. This is not a gadget show-off session. It's more about the true, physical environment from which we do the program. You'll enjoy it. So, take heart. Jonathan will return very soon. And, in the mean time, we're here to get you through the interim.