We're Exploding again at 2 PM Eastern, 7 PM UK on Sunday

There are so many amazing, entertaining, informative, quality things to do on the Internet...and then there's the Mosen Explosion to offer up a bit of contrast.
I've got four hours of great music in store this week, which you're welcome to influence through your tweets, emails, and calls to the explodaphone. Remember, you can call that any time, at 206-600-5486. Let your voice ring out throughout the planet and surrounding galaxies, all with one simple phone call to 206-600-5486.
After another busy week, there's an update for you on the second great flood of 2015. We'll no doubt geek out a bit as we explode from my brand new shiny laptop, and we may even play a few songs about falling this week. Why? Well you'll just have to tune in.
In wacky news this week, following on from Glen Gordon's fabulous show about dogs and cats which will be on at 6 PM Eastern on Saturday, there's a beautiful story about how loyal dogs can be. It made me a bit teary when I read it. Aw. We'll also learn about scientific experiments that are so insignificant, they get their own award. And we learn that sometimes, lost things can really turn up, long after you've given up on ever seeing them again.
We'll open the history books for a stroll through this day in history, and my lovely Bonnie will be here with a Bullie Bonatin.
It's all right after the delicious Down for Double with Brian and Lulu, at 2 Pm Eastern, 7 PM in the UK on Sunday, that's 6 AM on Monday morning in New Zealand.