Hark! At 4 PM Eastern, Jonnie and Bonathan are back!

Hark I tell you! Hark at once! Axel can't be with us this week to take us all through the 80s, so it's your old friends Jonnie and Bonathan, standing in again for two hours of ding dong merrily on Mushroom. Right after Brian has finished doing number twos on his music machine, we'll be here to bring some joy to your world as you contemplate the remaining shopping, food preparations, and ensuring that you've cast your vote in the Mushroom FM holiday countdown.
We could really use your help, to tell you the honest truth. I mean like as if we'd tell you the dishonest truth eh? Here's the thing. Jonnie and Bonathan are happy little bunnies. We don't want for anything because we have each other. So, Jonnie can't think of a present to get for Bonathan, and vicky verky. If you have any great ideas for gifts we should give the other, time is running out and you might save our bacon. We'll also try to do a bit of brainstorming.
You're welcome to request any tunes via Twitter, email and the Explodaphone, especially if it's for Dominic. Well...One of us would appreciate those anyway.
So, right ahead of the Musical web, do join us for festive fungal fun. It's Jonnie and Bonathan, bringing good tidings to you and your kin at 4 PM Eastern, on http://MushroomFM.com.