The Mosen Explosion Going Forward

Ah, cliches and buzz words, don'tcha just love em? Some come and go, while others arrive and become a permanent part of our lexicon.
I remember a human resources manager...oh wait, that's a buzz word in itself isn't it? Human resources. I mean, what's wrong with staff, or people? Anyway, I remember a human resources manager telling me once that we needed to take a helicopter view of a situation, and I'm so like what the soup?

Anyway, another one of these little buzz phrases that has crept into our language in recent years is the stupid phrase "going forward". I think people imagine themselves to be all professional and hip when they say it.

But the truth is, the Mosen Explosion has gone forward. Because we sprang forward into daylight saving time this weekend. So while we're still rocking the world with our unique brand of music, conversation and nonsense at 2 PM Eastern, 7 PM UK on a Sunday, it is now on at 7 AM NZ time. Isn't that genius?
We've got some great music and history info in store, the Bonnie bulletin is here, and I'll be talking a bit about the new arrival in our home, Alexa.
I'd love to have your company, so I hope you'll be able to join me, right after Darren, only on Mushroom FM.