The Mosen Explosion, with an unusual amount of spaghetti
Last week, it was Swedes. This week, there's plenty of spaghetti, as our wacky news segment is rather invaded by stories about the church of the flying spaghetti monster. Golly! You be careful with that, spaghetti is full of all the wrong carbs. Oy!
If spaghetti isn't your thing, never fear. There's kombucha, which is extremely good for you and highly tasty. Richard and I finally got our kombucha to brew, and this week, it was time to uncork it and see how well we did. Mosen Explosion reporters were on the scene to record the historic moment. What a shame I can't Dropbox you a bottle or two.
Bonnie will be here, fresh from her sleep study, with all the news in her Bonnie Bulletin.
We'll look back at this day in history, have plenty to talk about, and we'll enjoy very much hearing from you.
It's all happening I tell you, at 2 PM Eastern, 7 PM UK, bright and early at 6 AM in New Zealand. Only on your home of the fun guys and birthday fun, Mushroom FM. Mama Mia!