This week on the rockumentary, the final hours of Radio 355

Our popular series about offshore radio continues this weekend in our rockumentary slot.

Over the last couple of weeks, we've told the turbulent story of Radio England and Britain Radio, stations with wealthy backers, big budgets, and initially, programming entirely unsuitable for the audiences they were trying to serve, particularly where Radio England was concerned.

As we heard last week, Britain Radio was rebranded to Radio 355 and was having better success. However, due to the imminent passage of the Marine Offenses Bill, Radio 355 closed at the end of 5 August 1967.

This week, we'll bring you the final show, in which all the Radio 355 broadcasters said farewell.

You can hear the rockumentary first at 2 PM on Sunday, then again at 11 PM on Sunday. If you're not in the North American Eastern time zone, check our schedule page to find out when it's on where you are.