It's a Rock and Roll Themed Song Remembers When!

I know I say this all the time, but I had so much fun creating the playlist for this week's show! Being a presenter on Mushroom FM is truly the best job in the world! What can be better than playing so many of my favorite songs and telling stories? As you may have guessed, this week I feature many songs with rock and roll in their title, or in their lyrics. I do provide plenty of variety however, by also including songs about musicians' lives on the road, hilarious songs about making music by Tod Schneider and weird Al, and even songs by three different TV show groups. I also share lyrics of songs I misheard, and one particular song which is quite suggestive, and how I did not quite understand what I was singing about as a fifth grader when it first came out. To listen, please ask your smart speaker to play Mushroom FM on Sunday at 4 pm Eastern. You can also listen online: I will be taking a break from the show July 9 and 16, but your ears will be in great hands with one of my best friends, Caroline Toews. I know she will be featuring songs about changes and moving on the ninth; I do not know what she has in store on the 16th. I'm sure it will be well worth the listen however. I will be back on July 23... What will my theme be? I have no idea! Thanks for listening to The Song Remembers When. Safe travels to anyone attending conventions in the coming week. I hope you enjoy this week's show, and I look forward to being with you again on July 23.