The Song Remembers When for July 9

I know, I know! This is two weeks away, and if you're anything like me, it's hard to think past today, let alone two weeks ahead. But here's the good news! You don't actually have to think that far ahead, which is why I'm writing so early.

As many of you may know, Bruce Toews host of the very dormant Toews on the Waves and runner of Mushroom Escape has been hospitalized for the last nine months and is waiting to be placed in a long-term care facility. No worries, he's not sick or anything, just in a position where he needs a bit more help. For that reason, I'm moving into a new apartment and that move will be taking place over the next few weeks. The Internet is moving to the new place on Wednesday, so we've got two choices. I put the show together before Wednesday, or the show is recorded from a mostly empty apartment. My hope is to have it recorded before Wednesday. The other reason I'd like to try to get this recorded before Wednesday is that, sadly, this will be the last time Eddy and Arthur the Wonder Budgies will be heard on Mushroom FM or Mushroom Escape. Unfortunately, they too will be moving on to a new home. It's sad to lose them, but they're going to be with someone who is very excited to have them, and she'll love and spoil them almost as much as we do.

My theme, not surprisingly, is going to be based on moving and change. Songs about moving, big life events that have brought on changes, things like that. I'll have plenty of my own memories, but I'd also love to get some of yours as well. Please feel free to get in touch with me via email at, or on Mastodon, at and let's see if we can get this playlist full of great memories and music!