Find out whose sitting where at Fungus Field for Mushroomstock
Technicians are scrambling around Fungus Field, taping cables and testing the sound system by blasting Baker Street at incredible volume. Yes, Mushroomstoc day has finally arrived!
Before you transport yourself to Fungus Field for the first act at 8 AM Eastern time, 1 PM UK, you might like to see where members of the Mushroom Crowd are seated. Just head over to the page for everything Mushroomstock, and check out the seating plan on the page.
The crews for our various acts are practicing the set-up procedures on the two glorious stages, and we're almost ready to go with some of the best live music you've ever heard.
Remember, if you're on Twitter, be sure to share the day with others in the stadium by using the #MushroomFM hashtag, and you can also track that hashtag to chat with others.
See you soon for Mushroomstock 2020.