sarahillis's blog

Music, Music and More Music, this Week on Come by the Hills!

Greetings and salutations! Sara Hillis here, just popping round to say that it'll soon be time for another epic episode of Come by the Hills, the Folk and Celtic music show on Mushroom FM. Once again, I've got three hours of fantastic musical selections for you, and finally, after a bit of a break, there will be a "Me Music" feature in the first hour of the show.

Link to the Come by the Hills Gordon Lightfoot Tribute Special

Hello! I had hoped to share this episode on MixCloud, but due to the fact that this Gordon Lightfoot tribute seemingly has too many tracks by the same artist--gee, I wonder why?--it was restricted due to licensing. So, I'm passing along this Dropbox link. I'm doing it publicly because of the special nature of this episode.

Celebrating the Life and Music of Gordon Lightfoot, this Week on Come by the Hills!

On Monday, May 1, 2023, we lost one of the greats of Canadian Folk and Pop music, Gordon Lightfoot. In fact, even to classify his music is a bit difficult. It was distinctly his own, and yet it was also everyone's. It has formed some of the soundtrack to many people's lives including mine, and the more of it I've heard over the years, the more I've come to view Lightfoot as a rarely gifted songsmith of the first order. Thus, I couldn't let this week pass without devoting an episode of Come by the Hills to this music.

It's May Day--Almost, this Week on Come by the Hills!

Hello! Yes, it's time once again for the Come by the Hills May Day celebrations. No, we won't be marching in the streets for workers' rights, but we will be having songs about May-time, May poles, Cuckoos and many other things, and the best news of all is that the show will be presented live this week! I am likely dooming myself to technical failures by sayin this, but I think I have whatever was wrong with my technology resolved, and this without my doing much of anything at all, which is rather scary. The hope is that we will connect on time for the beginning of the show.

Songs for Earth Day, this Week on Come by the Hills!

Hello! Sara Hillis here to tell you that another exciting edition of Come by the Hills, Mushroom FM's Folk and Celtic Music show is in the offing! Today, I've got songs in honour of this planet we call earth. There are songs about trees, songs about whales (and even some whale music,) songs about rivers and green banks, and many songs about how humans have affected or have been affected by the cycles of nature. I hope you'll enjoy this show. I think there's a little something for everyone. Just a heads-up that the show isn't live this week.

Revisiting March 26, 2022, this Week on Come by the Hills

Hello! Sara Hillis here to tell you that this week's episode of Come by the Hills is an encore presentation of an episode from March 26, 2022. It has lots of springish themes and is just generally a fun episode. I hope to be back with you next week, but in the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy this blast from the past. Keep in mind that some promos and such will be out of date, but otherwise, do enjoy the episode!

Catch Come by the Hills on Saturdays at 2:00 PM Eastern, or check out the replay on Tuesdays at 5:00 AM Eastern. However and whenever you listen, enjoy!

Tomorrow, It's a Listener-inspired Sara Smiles!

So, I got a message from a listener today with a brilliant idea! This listener suggested that we take some time on Sara Smiles to go through the sound track of Jesus Christ Superstar. I've chosen to do this on Western Good Friday, which is tomorrow at the time of this writing. Now, anyone who may find this offensive is free not to listen, and I truly do hope that those who commemorate Christ's Passion on this day will be doing so in all peace and quietness of heart.

It's a Folkish Free-for-all, this Week on Come by the Hills!

Yes, Come by the Hills comes your way again this week and it's a "whatever Sara feels like playing" kind of episode. Of course, you too can contribute to the musical mayhem by requesting something of a Folkish flavour when the show is live on Saturday, or you're always free to just sit back and let me do the driving, as it were. Either way, it's sure to be three hours of truly amazing music.

So, catch Come by the Hills live and in person on Saturday at 2:00 PM Eastern, or check out the replay on Tuesday at 5:00 AM Eastern. However and whenever you listen, enjoy!

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day, this Week on Come by the Hills!

Hello! Sara Hillis here to let you know that it's that time of year again, that time when we celebrate all things Irish. As March 17th was St. Patrick's Day, we'll be doing an all Irish Come by the Hills episode this weekend. It's always a fun time, and it's one of my favourite shows to do every year. So, get your favourite dram of the water of life, or perhaps your preferred pint of stout, and join the fun!

Catch Come by the Hills live on Saturday at 2:00 PM Eastern, or check out the replay on Tuesday at 5:00 AM Eastern. However and whenever you listen, enjoy!

Human Error Strikes Again, this Week on Come by the Hills!

Hello! Sara Hillis here. To anyone wondering why the Come by the Hills encore presentation I promised you is not being presented, it was due to my own human error. To make a long story short, I gave the Mushroom Pot system the wrong instruction. It was a copy-and-paste error, and I failed to notice it before 2:00 PM on Saturday. Anyhow, those of you who listen on the replay will get the March 22, 2020 episode I mentioned earlier today.


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