sarahillis's blog

This Week's Episode of Come by the Hills is Coming Soon!

Consider this your warning, as the Celts and Folkies will be invading Mushroom FM in just a few short hours! Yes, live once again from the 7th floor, it's another three hours of folky fun on Come by the hills! Tonight, I've got songs with a somewhat pastoral theme, songs about water, a few ballads, and even something from Tom Lehrer, and no, it's not about poisoning pigeons in the Park or anywhere else. So why not come along and see what all the fuss is about?

Come Along in a Few Hours for Come by the Hills!

It's almost time for another live from the 7th floor edition of Come by the Hills, the Folk and Celtic music show on Mushroom FM! I've got a great mix of music as usual, and because the show is live, whatever I have decided to play could well change, either on my own whim or on yours! So, even if you can't stay for the full three hours, I hope you'll come along and spend some time.

Catch Come by the Hills live from the 7th floor on Sundays at 8:00 PM Eastern, or check out the replay on Tuesdays at 5:00 AM Eastern. However and whenever you listen, I hope you'll enjoy the show!

We're Chilling Out, this Week on Come by the Hills!

I suppose you could call it Come by the Chill rather than Come by the Hills this week, because I intend to use the three hours from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM Eastern tonight to chill out and listen to some good Folk and Celtic music. I've had a busy weekend, and I think that tonight will be a chance to wind down and have some fun. I've got a pretty good mix as usual, so I hope you'll join me!

It's a Musical Melange, this Week on Come by the Hills!

On the next edition of Come by the Hills, I'm focusing on a mix of things. Firstly, in honour of the upcoming eclipse, I'll have songs about the sun, songs about the moon, and even some songs about the stars for good measure. I'll also share a few dancing songs, again in honour of the dance of the sun, the moon and the earth and how amazing it is, and I'll have a few songs featuring the name Mary in honour of the Julian Calendar celebration of the Christian feast of the Annunciation. I also have a request to fulfill, and you just never know what might happen as the show goes on.

It's a 2020 Encore, this Week on Come by the Hills!

Hello! Sara Hillis popping round again to let you know what's coming up on this week's edition of Come by the Hills the Folk and Celtic music show. This week, it's a visit to the archives for a very special show that I did in March of 2020. It features a house concert given by me, and was a really fun show to do. So bear in mind that the promos may be out-of-date, and we'll be revisiting the beginning of the pandemic as well. So there we have it. I hope you find it interesting, and I'll be back with you live next week, all things being equal.

Spring Flings and Other Things, this Week on Come by the Hills!

Well hello all ye Hillsians and Hillsians-yet-to-be! We're only a day away (plus a few hours, I suppose) from another episode of Come by the Hills, the Folk and Celtic music show on Mushroom FM! This week, I'll have songs about spring, a few St. Patrick's Day left-overs including a request that I didn't get to last week, songs about both Whisky and Whiskey, and a neat story about one of our favourite artists and an intrepid listener! There's also a punk version of The Massacre at Glencoe that I thought we'd try out. So, drop by for a bit, won't you?

Celebrating All Things Irish, this Week on Come by the Hills!

St. Patrick's Day is on its way, and so is Come by the Hills, the Folk and celtic music show on Mushroom FM. This week, not only are we celebrating St. Patrick's Day with our usual somewhat wreckless abandon, but we're celebrating ST. Patrick's Day on St. Patrick's Day itself, at least in terms of the Mushroom FM official time zone. How can that be? Well, starting this week, Come by the Hills is returning to its ancestral air time of Sundays at 8:00 PM Eastern! What's on this edition of the show? Well, put simply, we've got three hours of music from or about Ireland!

Celebrating Loreena McKennitt's New Album, The Road Back Home, this Week on Come by the Hills!

It's a momentous episode of Come by the Hills this week, celebrating the latest live album by Loreena McKennitt called The Road Back Home. Recorded at a couple of summer folk festivals in 2023, The Road Back Home hearkens back to Loreena's roots in folk clubs and as a busker in the late 70s and 80s. I'll be playing the entire album throughout the show, as well as some small items in Loreena's own words about each of the ten tracks. I'll also be playing other fantastic Folk and Celtic selections for your enjoyment.

Dathlu Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant, Wythnos'ma are Dewch Wrth y Bryniau! (Celebrating St. David's Day, this week on Come by the Hills!)

Yes, it's time once again to get thoroughly Welshified on the Folk and Celtic music show, because March 1 is St. David's Day, Wales's major national festival! We'll hear many lovely songs yn Cymraeg (in Welsh) with a few English ones thrown in for good measure, so I hope you'll join me. We'll keep a welcome for you, to be sure!

So, catch Come by the Hils live on Saturday at 2:00 PM Eastern, or check out the replay on Tuesday at 5:00 AM Eastern! Whenever you can listen, I hope you'll enjoy it! Dydd gwyl Dewi Sant! (Happy St. David's Day!)

Taking Names, this Week on Come by the Hills!

Yes, today's the day for another awesome episode of Come by the Hills, the Folk and Celtic music show on Mushroom FM. This week, I'll be playing songs with names in them. We'll have some songs about John or Jack, some songs about Jenny, at least one song about a redheaded Anne, and several songs about Robin, not to mention a couple of williams. We'll also do some dreaming and hear some lovely harp music. I hope you can join me!


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