It's National Who Needs a Theme Week on Come by the Hills!

Yes, for the past few weeks, I've either been intentionally organizing theme shows, or themes have emerged from the chaos that is my mind as a result of playlist creation. However, neither of these things happened this week, so instead of a theme, we're just going to play some cracking good music. I mean, isn't that what we're here for anyway?

We'll be having a few awesome live performances in honour of the epicness that was Mushroomstock 2016, and we'll also be playing a little bit of "Song Association Football." We'll hear about whales and whisky, and we'll talk of many, many things: of shoes (well, maybe not shoes) and ships and sealing songs, and maybe even some cabbages and kings will find their way into the mix. (Cabbages? Really? Hmmm... Well, maybe not those either.)

We will of course have our usual features, including a rather twisted and crazy choice for Celtic Covers, and we'll hear from artists and bands from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Canada and the US. We'll visit the Titanic and we'll even hear a song which takes us within spitting distance of my own home town of Brantford Ontario. Pretty good for a themeless episode, eh?

So, do join me on Sunday night at 8:00 Eastern for three lovely and slightly random hours of the best in Celtic music, and don't forget the replay on Friday at 4:00 AM Eastern, 9:00 AM in the UK and Ireland.