It's a Very Special Birthday This Week on Come By The Hills!
The Celtic Music show is back for another week, and as well as playing lots of great Celtic artists and groups from around the world, I'll be paying attention to Loreena McKennitt, who celebrated a birthday on Friday. We've got a "Celtic Cover" involving her as well as a set of her "almost-instrumental" tunes in "Fiddlin' Around," and we'll be sprinkling her music liberally throughout the show.
Further to last week's Welsh lullaby in "What's That About," there's still no joy, but we do have another lullaby, this one in Gaelic. I also have a sneaking suspicion that I've used this song before, and if I have, I apologize. Still, it is a beautiful song and worth repeating.
If you ever thought that I did anything so organized as creating show notes or trying to keep track of these features from week to week or month to month, you're sadly mistaken. However, if you're up for a little chaos with a Celtic beat and aren't tired of my usual ramblings, then join me on Sunday night at 8:00 PM Eastern as we celebrate the birthday of Loreena McKennitt who is a great musician and an even better Canadian, and who is really the single artist who I can say introduced me to this whole Celtic thing. If you can't make it on Sunday night, there's always the replay on Friday morning at 4:00 AM Eastern, 9:00 AM in the UK and Ireland