Relaxing in the Shed

It’s Saturday night, 11 Pm Eastern, and I’m just sitting here relaxing in my shed.
It’s been a busy week, and I’ve watched all of House of Cards season four, hmm, now what to do, what to do!
I have it! Why don’t you all come join me in the Shed.
I’ll waffle on about things, and heck, I’ll even play some music.
I’ll add a triple threat, and a live and loud segment into the mix as well.
However, if that’s not enough, why not chuck loads of requests my way as well.
Simply e-mail: anthony at mushroomfm dot com
Or hit me up on Twitter: @Kiwisnake
Do come join me from 11pm Eastern tonight, that’s 4am Sunday in the UK and 5Pm here in New Zealand, and stop me from keeping my own company.
There is only so much of me I can take, you see.