Countdown Update: So Why Vote Anyway?

It's often at this time of the year when we get reflective and start asking the really big, important questions of life. Why are we here? What's life all about? Is God really real, or is there some doubt? And of course, why the heck should I take some of my valuable time to cast my vote in the Mushroom FM holiday Countdown? Well, if you want to know the answers to the first few questions, I suggest watching Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. (ON second thought, maybe don't do that.) As for the question about the countdown, agonize no more! I've got your answers right here!

First, the countdown is an annual tradition here at Mushroom FM, and when you vote, you will become an integral part of bringing it to life for yet another year! Without your votes, there is literally no countdown!

Second, once your vote is validated by our trusty elves (who I am pleased to say are behaving much better lately), you will receive an invitation to our virtual Christmas party where we'll present the countdown and you'll get a virtual seat at one of our virtual tables (Dasher, Dancer, Prancer or Vixen ). Then, all you have to do is hang out with us on Sunday, December 22nd and get social with us via email or Mastodon to win virtual Christmas Crackers for your table. It's always a blast, and it wouldn't be the same without you.

There's just over a week left to vote, so, while you still can, head on over to our easy-to-use Countdown page and vote for ten of your festive favourites! I promise, it'll definitely be worth your time!