An Auspicious Anniversary, All Month on Come by the Hills!

Hello! Sara Hillis popping in to let you know about this week's episode of Come by the Hills, the Folk and Celtic music show on Mushroom FM! Starting this week an continuing through the month of November, I'll be celebrating thirty years since my introduction to Celtic music. I can't begin to estimate how many changes in life came my way due to my affinity for this type of music. I've made friends, found lovers, even found my faith because of it. When I found this music in my teens, it was like finding a piece of myself I had never known was missing. So, this week and throughout the month of November, I'll be sharing some of the music that got me started as a listener, as well as some of my own music. Other than that, it's the usual three hours of Folkish fun! So come along!

Catch Come by the Hills live on Sunday at 8:00 PM, or check out the replay on Tuesday at 5:00 AM Eastern. Enjoy and thanks for listening!