Deep Dive goes to Rio

This week, through an encore show from January 2023, we enjoy the outstanding talents of Australian singer-songwriter Peter Allen. We hear about the Tenterfield saddler, learn about the more I see you, and still call Australia home.

Tune in at 4 PM Eastern Monday, and 6 AM Tuesday in Eastern Australia. Alternatively at 6 AM Eastern Wednesday, which is 8 PM in Eastern Australia. Point your browser, or direct your SmartSpeaker, to Mushroom FM and you will hear the show.

Deep Dive has a different focus. Many shows play music from different artists, but we focus on one artist for one hour. We share their music and talk about their lives and the memories they bring back for us - sometimes with a guest or sometimes just with little old me. This show is heard exclusively on Mushroom FM, the home of the fun guys.

Tune in and join the show.