February Folkish Fun, this Week on Come by the Hills!
Hello again! Sara Hillis here to tell you about this week's episode of Come by the Hills, Mushroom FM's Folk and Celtic music show. We've got three hours of fantastic Folk for you, and though it will not be live this week due to the fact that it's February 14 and I'm going to be spnding some quality time with my husband this evening, it will be full of fun as always.
We'll salute Saint Brigid of Kildare as it's her feast-day on the Julian calendar, we'll fulfill a request we didn't get to last week, and of course we'll hear lots of amazing music as usual.
Catch Come by the Hills on Sunday at 8:00 PM Eastern, or check out the replay on Friday at 4:00 AM Eastern, 9:00 AM in the UK and Ireland. There is also an archive of past shows from this year here. However and whenever you listen, enjoy, and I hope to be back live with you next week!