Getting Celtic (and other things) with The Kingston Trio, This Week on Come by the Hills!

Hello there, fellow folkies!

Sara Hillis here to tell you about tonight's edition of Come by the Hills. Along with our usual mix of Celtic music, we're going to be throwing in some of the many contributions that The Kingston Trio have made to the folk scene over the years. This follows on from a last-minute discussion during last week's show in which I was informed of the death of one of the group's founder members, Bob Shane, on January 26, 2020. So, I've got some Kingston tunes with a Celtic tinge along with some examples of their commedy, and perhaps a couple of unlikely things you may not have heard before. Also, if you'd like to request anything Kingston, I'd be more than happy to play it. I'm not sure if I have everything they've ever done, but I think I'd find it difficult to be stumped on this occasion.

So, Join me, Sara Hillis, live at 8:00 Pm Eastern today--unless you just can't tear yourself away from a certain awards show on TV of course--for Come by the Hills, or catch the replay on Friday at 4:00 AM Eastern, right here on Mushroom FM!