A Roguish and Roving Dip into the Archives, this Week on Come by the Hills!
It's supposed to be spring here in the northern hemisphere, but we're in the midst of a silly April cold snap just now in my part of the world. However, I'm still feeling springish, and spring always makes me think of Mr. Mole from Kennith Graham's masterpiece "The Wind in the Willows." Mole suddenly decides one morning to stop spring cleaning his little hole and to just wander away across the fields and into a brand new life. He is infected by spring and "its spirit of divine discontent and longing." This seems also to be what calls that staple of folk songs and romances: the rover.
So, due to the vicisitudes of a rather busy week, I thought I'd replay an episode from July 15, 2018, which features music about rovers, and their inevitable companions, rogues. I hope you'll enjoy it! Come roving with me, Will you?
Catch Come by the Hills on Sunday at 8:00 PM Eastern, after Steve Cutway and The Early Years, or check out the replay on Friday at 4:00 AM Eastern, 9:00 AM in the UK and Ireland!