Summer songs tonight on The Early Years!
Join me for The Early Years where you'll enjoy the best variety of music from the 50s and 60s with an occasional nod to other decades, including music from before the rock era which is generally accepted as starting in 1955.
Jaw-dropping songs are on vacation until September. It's all about summer tonight as I present summer songs from the 50s and 60s. I have several version comparisons, twin spins and a triple play as part of a salute to "The California Sound".
You can contact me any time by e-mail at with comments about tonight's show and suggestions for future shows, particularly your jaw-dropping songs that I will play on shows in September.
So join me, Steve Cutway for the best music from the 50s and 60s with an occasional nod to other decades (this week it's all about summer) on The Early Years, tonight at 6 PM Eastern Time before Sara. If you miss the show tonight, catch its replay Wednesday morning at 7 AM Eastern
Time, on Mushroom FM, the home of the fun guys, making four decades of musical mushroom memories!